Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Hurricane preparation

Prepare an emergency kit

- A portable battery radio, flashlight and extra batteries;

- Water containers, dried or canned food and can opener;

- Matches, fuel lamp, stove, cooking utensils, cutlery;

- A first aid kit, tape the windows and bags of water for valuables;

- To see a list of emergency numbers

They are filled with words such as bottled water, food, clothing, medicines, toiletries, radio, batteriesetc.
tops of the trees and trim branches away from your home and clear the drains and gutters free of leaves and other materials that may block rainwater. (Ask permission from the Council to remove the trees.)
Clear your property of loose material that could fly and cause injury or damage during extreme winds.
In the case of a storm surge or flooding, of the nearest high point and access.
If your home is considered safe, you should consult your ownThe agreements as soon as possible to avoid traffic chaos.
construction of evacuation centers are generally schools do not encourage people to be there, unless that official.
Your home is often the safest place for you and your family.

A hurricane watch is issued when the wind speed or strong wind can affect the region over the next 24-48 hours.
Please check your bulk material properties and tie (or fill with water) all large items relatively light, as the boatsbin e.
Fill the tank car. Check your emergency kit and fill water containers. Find the strongest part of the house and what you and your family can do during the event.
Ask your local radio or television technician for more information and warnings.
Check if your neighbors are aware of the situation and prepare.

A hurricane warning is issued when the wind and the stronger winds expected to affect the region in the next 24 hours.
If the local demandThe authorities will collect children from school or daycare and home.
Parking of vehicles under the protection of insurance.
Instead of wood and plastic garden furniture in your pool or inside other floating objects.
strong group in all the windows and curtains, close and lock all doors.
Stay home and at your local radio or television for information, stay tuned.

When the cyclone strikes

Unplug all electrical appliances and batteries to listen to the radioUpdates.
Stay inside and shelter in strongest part of the building (also free from any Windows computer).
The wine cellar, internal hallway, bathroom or shower is often the safest place.
If the building starts to break down, protect yourself with mattresses, rugs and blankets under a table or bench or hold the tube in a fixed device, such as water.

Beware the eye of the storm

When the wind drops, not the storm has passed, take the wind fromfrom a different direction, as the storm moves through. Hurricanes move clockwise and the eye can be 10 to 100 km wide. Always be sure to listen to the radio when the storm is over.
If you go in the storm stopped the car and park as far from the sea and no trees, power lines and rivers, remain in the vehicle and listen to the radio when in the field.

After the storm, make sure

- Within the living room until advised it is safe.

- CheckGas leaks.

- Do not use electrical appliances if wet.

- Listen to local radio for official warnings and advice.

- Do not leave until it is officially safe to start restructuring.

- Do not make unnecessary phone calls.

- If you were to evacuate, make a backup. Use a recommended route and do not rush!

- Heed all warnings and non-tourism.

Beware of broken power lines, flooded bridges, fallen trees, and neverFlood!
Remember the dangers of electricity and water!
Never assume that the lines are dead and the living, comes to the rescue.
Stay away until the problem is solved!

The main sources of cyclone information are radio and television, while the threat of the storm, some members of the local station staff on duty 24 hours a day for cyclone information. The Bureau of Meteorology and the latest watches, warnings andmonitoring information on its website

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