Saturday, April 23, 2011

Dynamic Carpet Care Carpet, tiles, furniture, stone, wood and carpet cleaning oriental 813-875-3270

Dynamic Carpet Care 813-875-3270 - created in

Friday, April 15, 2011

PhotoTechEDU Day 31 - Color Balance: Babies, Rugs & Sunsets

Google Tech Talks December 12, 2007 to achieve a good balance of color is one of the most important and difficult in photographic systems, where the color balance is off, the picture quality of other attributes important to decrease and the result is acceptable. In this talk I will discuss the differences between the color balance and white balance for pictures and application of computer vision, and I will describe the literature. I'll explain some of the basics and some ofAdvanced methods and relate to the complexity and calibration of system problems. I give some examples, some methods may fail and why some images can be very difficult. I will focus on the relationship between the color balance and color perception and how the various systems for machine vision cameras to play. The goal is to have a photo and video PhotoTechEDU short course on Google technology. The course teaches engineers to Google: Useful propertiesThe light and image formation theory and techniques of photographic optics and the theory of imaging techniques in colorimetry and color reproduction, where and how the photo on Google products and projects such instruments exist within the image storage photographic processing, used Google and many others. .. The course will be serialized meets once a week for an hour to be identified at least 12 weeks, with a likely extension topics of interest. problems with tasks and projects...

Friday, April 8, 2011

dynamic rugs carpet cleaning carpet, tile and grout, furniture and oriental cleaning

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